Contract Team: We provided a dedicated contract team consisting of: Carol Dodd – Project Coordinator, Laura Massey – Project Support, Michael Davies– Project Manager and a team of 8 fully qualified electricians.

Mobilisation: Pre-start meetings were held with the client to ensure that all of our clients’ needs were highlighted and documented into our project files to enable us to fully mobilise the contract.

Pre-start meetings and full training days were held for all engineers involved within the contract to ensure that all of the client’s individual needs were understood to ensure that the mobilisation and the day to day running of the contract was run smoothly ensuring complete customer satisfaction. The customer requirements are reviewed monthly and presented to our employees via a specific tool box talk and presentation to keep all involved up to date on al contract requirements and our delivery status. TUPE was not involved in this contract and we were able to resource the contract with our existing workforce. The contract was mobilised over a 7-day period.

Testing Programme: The dedicated Project Coordinator, Carol Dodd and Project Manager, Michael Davies created a resource plan to ensure that the contract and programme was delivered within the contract specific times and time scale.

Issue: We started a contract with Winchester University which was for fixed wire testing. However, within a few weeks we were also asked to carry out an exercise of renaming all of the distribution boards throughout the site giving each distribution board its own unique asset number which consists of building, location and the circuit fed from.  This also applied to all accessories including: sockets, switches etc. All of this information was required to update all CAD drawing relating to the site.

Actions Taken: The dedicated Project Manager listened to the Universities requirements and created a presentation for engineers to list all of the additional requirements and needs in the monthly tool box talks. This ensured that all involved on the contract were aware of all of the additional works required and delivery expectations.

Our engineers and project team were given a presentation in the format of a tool box talk highlighting all of the additional requirements that the University required and how they were to be delivered.  Our engineers and project team were already trained to carry out these works however clarification to our team was required to ensure they understood the University’s needs. The additional works added an additional 4 weeks to the programme. 

We were able to complete these works without affecting other works due to the dedicated project team and our engineers ensuring that all other works were completed and time and achieving full customer satisfaction at all times

Outcomes: All work was completed on schedule and with complete customer satisfaction which has led to us receiving further works on this very busy site.

Apprentice: We have recently taken on an apprentice, Sam Jones who lives within 10 miles of the contract. Sam attended a 7-day induction training and is buddied with an experienced engineer. Sam is given time to attend college weekly and is given all the time and support he needs to complete his apprenticeship.

“I feel really supported at ETM and am really at home here. Before I came to ETM I was unemployed and on benefits, visiting the job centre. Here I’ve learned so much already that will help me in the future.” – Sam Jones, Apprentice