Pre-construction services, including any pre-contract advice, surveys and design drawings undertaken by your company, pre-contract planning, construction phase programming and management plans.

MOBILISATION: Pre-start meetings were held with the client to ensure that all of our clients’ needs were highlighted and documented into our project files to enable us to fully mobilise the contract.

Pre-start meetings and full training days were held for all engineers involved within the contract to ensure that all of the client’s individual needs were understood to ensure that the mobilisation and the day to day running of the contract was run smoothly ensuring complete customer satisfaction. The customer requirements were reviewed monthly and presented to our employees via a specific toolbox talk and presentation to keep all involved up to date on all contract requirements and our delivery status. TUPE was not involved in this contract and we were able to resource the contract with our existing workforce. The contract was mobilised over a 7-day period.

PRE-ENTRY SURVEYS: As part of the mobilisation period our QS Max Goode, visited each site to carry out a pre-entry survey to review the circuit drawings, asset details, access requirements, building usage and H&S considerations. From these initial surveys individual site instructions, we created for our electricians to use when carrying out testing. 

RISK ASSESSMENTS: During the pre-entry surveys Max Goode also took our generic risk assessments and adjusted these by considering the work environment (especially relating to risks to common areas, children, the public and any vulnerable persons), so that he could identify the best possible way of eliminating or reducing risks to their lowest level. This enabled him to create specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements for each site which identify the specific actions (and resources) that must be in place to ensure the safety of those on work sites and in surrounding / nearby public areas.

TESTING PROGRAMME: During mobilisation we obtained all property details and input them into our management system. Our Account Manager Carol Dodd with support from Project Manager/QS Thomas Clewer created a testing programmes specific to the University, and tailored to meet our clients inspection requirements which we provided to the client for their agreement.

The programme was designed to ensure the testing visits were completed before the anniversary date. We worked with our client from the outset/throughout ensuring the testing programme held all required information including but not limited to the site’s unique property number and the attending operative’s name

Specific working methods for providing, maintaining and monitoring a high level of service delivery and customer satisfaction.

FULLY TRAINED ELECTRICIANS: Before any engineers commenced working on the contract they undertook a skills assessment with our contract manager assessing their level of knowledge, and received mandatory company Induction training and client specific contract induction

VAN STOCK: As part of the mobilisation period we will liaises with Our client to gather as much information and details as possible about the type and manufacturers of the electrical installations/components to be inspected along with our own Pre-entry inspections which allowed us to stock our engineers’ vans appropriately

NON-INTRUSIVE CHECK DAY: Upon the first day of each visit the lead Engineer carried out a ‘non-intrusive’ pre-inspection of the site, ensuring that they would be able to comply with the plan and adhere to the timescales set out. This ensured that anything that may affect the set timescales was identified, raised and a solution implemented on day one.

INTERNAL AUDITS – We carry out audits of our engineers works internally via our Senior Qualifying Supervisor (QS) Max Goode attending sites on a monthly basis for each engineer. 
EXTERNAL AUDITS – We utilised the services of external auditors who carried out audits on 30% of engineers works.

ELECTRONIC CERTIFICATES: All inspection/installation and minor work certificates were completed electronically on iPads at the time of visit reducing scope for errors/misinterpretation when typed from handwritten forms. This allowed us to easily track and monitor the status of all jobs.

AUDITING CERTIFICATES: All certificates were 100% reviewed/validated and signed by quality supervisors. Engineer inspection rates, certification accuracy and customer service were monitored, regularly reviewed and acted upon where underperforming.

CUSTOMER FEEDBACK: On completion of work, customers completed a customer satisfaction survey. The feedback received from customers helped us to gain a clear understanding of their needs and we learned ‘first-hand’ the service they required and expect.

MONITORING & TRACKING OF ENGINEERS: As all engineers carried an iPad; our head office management team were able to track their locations and jobs scheduled. This also allowed us to see on a live basis, whether the engineers are attending the properties, whether they’re on time and completing the inspection. 

MONITORING THE PROGRAMME: Every action on the programme was captured by our work management system enabling comprehensive reports to be provided regarding the progress of the programme.

Our Cllient had access to their information via web portal, so they could monitor progress at any time. 

The delivery of the programme was monitored by our Account Manager Carol Dodd with support from Project Manager/QS Thomas Clewer, implementing any necessary measures/actions to ensure all timescales were met, they were pro-active by monitoring daily performance via reports and also liaising with the Electricians directly.

Specific working methods for providing, maintaining and monitoring a high level of service delivery and customer satisfaction.

PRE-CONTRACT MEETING: Following contract award, we set up an initial pre-contract meeting with Our Client to:

  • Implement a communication strategy whereby we set up clear communication links with Our client, provided and obtained names, contact telephone numbers, e-mail addresses of key contacts.
  • Set out and explain the roles and responsibilities of all staff involved
  • Arrange introductory meetings between ETM Staff and University of Bristol
  • Discuss contract requirements

We then continued to develop a working relationship with The University through daily liaison whereby dedicated staff liaised with our Client’s Team to ensure;

  • All parties were kept up to date
  • Clarification questions could be answered 
  • Provided up to date and real time updates via email or phone 
  • Discussed performance 
  • Clear variation to work process between both parties 
  • Any issues that arise could be dealt with promptly

MONTHLY PROGRESS MEETINGS: We ensured there were monthly contract meetings to discuss any issues/bottlenecks or risks to the delivery of any outstanding works. The Contract manager attended these meetings at the times agreed and shared data relating to:

  •  KPI reports on all aspects of the contract i.e. compliance, first time fix etc
  • Quality site audits
  • Toolbox Talks
  • H&S site Audits
  • Outstanding jobs
  • Overdue or late jobs
  • Jobs completed not invoiced
  • Customer complaints feedback and compliments

WEB PORTAL FACILITIES: The University of Bristol have the ability to view their contract status information via a web portal, which was able to be accessed at any time and from any location. It’s a secure password protected sign in and authorisation rights were allocated to different members of staff. This allowed our client to gain a true picture of our performance, as all job history could be viewed in real time, they could produce various reports, contract correspondents etc.