Mobilisation: Pre-start meetings were held with the client to ensure that all of our clients’ needs were highlighted and documented into our project files to enable us to fully mobilise the contract.

Pre-start meetings and full training days were held for all engineers involved within the contract to ensure that all of the client’s individual needs were understood to ensure that the mobilisation and the day to day running of the contract was run smoothly ensuring complete customer satisfaction. The customer requirements were reviewed monthly and presented to our employees via a specific toolbox talk and presentation to keep all involved up to date on all contract requirements and our delivery status. TUPE was not involved in this contract and we were able to resource the contract with our existing workforce. The contract was mobilised over a 7-day period.

Pre-Entry Surveys: As part of the mobilisation period our QS Tom Clewer, visited each site to carry out a pre-entry survey to review the circuit drawings, asset details, access requirements, building usage and H&S considerations. From these initial surveys individual site instructions, we created for our electricians to use when carrying out testing.

Risk Assessments: During the pre-entry surveys Tom Clewer also took our generic risk assessments and adjusted these by considering the work environment (especially relating to risks to common areas, children, the public and any vulnerable persons), so that he could identify the best possible way of eliminating or reducing risks to their lowest level. This enabled him to create specific Risk Assessments and Method Statements for each site which identify the specific actions (and resources) that must be in place to ensure the safety of those on work sites and in surrounding / nearby public areas.

Testing Programme: During mobilisation we obtained all property details and input them into our management system. Our Account Manager Carol Dodd with support from Project Manager/QS Tom Clewer created a testing programme specific to Concept, batched into areas, and tailored to meet our client’s inspection requirements which we provided to them for their agreement.

The programme was designed to ensure the testing visits were completed before the anniversary date. We worked with Concept from the outset/throughout ensuring the testing programme held all required information including but not limited to the site’s unique property number and the attending operative’s name.