Mobilisation: Pre-start meetings were held with the client to ensure that all of our clients’ needs were highlighted and documented into our project files.

Pre-start meetings and full training days were held for all engineers involved within the contract to ensure that all of the client’s individual needs were understood to ensure that the mobilisation and the day to day running of the contract was run smoothly ensuring complete customer satisfaction. The customer requirements are reviewed monthly and presented to our employees via a specific toolbox talk and presentation to keep all involved up to date on all contract requirements and our delivery status. TUPE was not involved in this contract and we were able to resource the contract with our existing workforce. The contract was mobilised over a 7-day period.

Testing Programme: The dedicated Project Coordinator, Carol Dodd and Project Manager, Michael Davis created a resource plan to ensure that the contract and programme was delivered within the contract specific times and time scale.

Challenge: We found we were having to make multiple visits to certain sites as we had been unable to gain entrance as they said they had not had sufficient time to notify residents we were coming.

Action Taken: Through discussions with the Care Managers we agreed that we would notify the Care Manager of our attendance at least 2 weeks in advance so they were able to notify all residence of our attendance and the works we will be carrying out.

Outcome: This ensured we were able to test each individual flat to reduce revisits to each site.