Is your business controlling its electrical risks or is there more you could be doing?
Fixed Appliance Testing is an aspect of electrical testing which is frequently neglected by business owners and landlords but it is just as important as PAT Testing.
We take it for granted that the fixed appliances we use constantly, such as storage heaters, cookers and hand driers will be fine but, as with any electrical item which undergoes regular use is susceptible to wear and tear. Therefore, the importance of regular electrical testing of your rented or company’s electrical equipment cannot be emphasised enough from both a Health & Safety and liability perspective.
Without a Fixed Appliance Test, would you have known that a cooker was dangerous? Would you have known that there was a real risk of fire due to a loose connection in the cooker outlet, not to mention a damaged cable?
Faulty fixed appliances can be fatal and the majority of them do not get tested. Around a thousand work-related electrical accidents are reported to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) each year and about 30 people die of their injuries. ETM Electrical Test Midlands is striving to promote Fixed Appliance Testing because it is not discussed widely enough within the electrical industry or the world at large. Ensuring that you have a systematic programme of inspecting and testing to check the both portable and fixed appliances greatly minimizes the risk of injury and fires as there is a higher chance of spotting faults and rectifying them.
What is a fixed appliance?
A fixed appliance is an electrical appliance which is usually connected to the electricity supply via a fused outlet to which the flex is permanently connected. Fixed appliance examples are: storage heaters, hand dryers, cookers, machine tools.
Below are examples of fixed appliances:
- Fixed Appliance Testing for hand dryers
- Fixed Appliance Testing for storage heaters
- Fixed Appliance Testing for cookers
- Fixed Appliance Testing for water heaters
Do you supply or rent out any electrical appliances?
You have probably heard this repeated before but all employers, organisations and landlords have a duty to meet numerous Health and Safety requirements and one of the ways in which this can be done is by choosing ETM Electrical Test Midlands to help you!
Our Fixed Appliance Testing service can include a full, visual and combined inspection and electrical safety test (from the electrical outlet to the appliance) including all cable and control units as well as labelling and a certificate of testing. Under the current Fixed Appliance Testing regulations we can certify each fixed appliance from one to five years depending on the equipment type, installation and environment.
Our Fixed Appliance Testing guarantees
Experienced Fixed Appliance Testing engineers, fully qualified City & Guilds 2377 or above to ensure expertise
CRB vetted Fixed Appliance Testing engineers
Full range of tests performed as recommended by the IEE Code of Practice (The Institute of Electrical Engineers) – the IEE Code of Practice is basically the Inspection and Testing Bible in the electrical world and is worth a read, especially if you are directly involved in Health & Safety
Immediate Re-Testing After Our Fixed Appliance Testing Engineers Conduct Free Repairs.
All reports include certification and detailed itemisation which will be issued onto our client portal.
We are SAFEcontractor accredited and a registered member of The NICEIC and the Government Standard Trustmark. The NICEIC is one of the five regulatory bodies in the UK.
All our Fixed Appliance Test engineers are smartly turned out in ETM Electrical Test Midlands uniform and strive to work in harmony with our clients!
If you would like a Fixed Appliance Testing quotation, please lick this link ‘Get a quote’ or, alternatively, 01922 710014 to speak to one of the team.

PAT Testing Offer
We are committed to ensuring the safety and compliance of your electrical equipment through our professional Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) services.
As a token of our appreciation for choosing us, we’re excited to offer you an exclusive 10% discount on all PAT testing services!